Google adsense tips

6 Super Tips to Get Approved by Google AdSense

How to make your blog quickly to get Google AdSense approval? The following are six super tips for blogs to get Google AdSense approval quickly without rejection!
There are many ways to earn additional income from the internet. One that is popular for Bloggers or content creators is to become a Google Adsense partner.
Even though there are many advertiser sites besides Google Adsense, the advantages of Google’s service make bloggers prefer Adsense for their blog content.
Many bloggers submit applications to AdSense but are always rejected for various reasons because they need to meet the requirements to be able to monetize their blogs. Are there any tips so that Google Adsense can quickly accept the blog?
6 Tips for Blogs to get Google AdSense approval
From my personal experience, several tips will share with you so that the blog can get Google AdSense approval, one of which is as follows:

  1. Use SEO Templates
    Google prefers blogs that use SEO templates because they have an attractive appearance, good performance, and responsiveness on various devices. It will make it easier for Google to index.
    In addition, visitors will feel at home reading content on the blog because the blog looks attractive and SEO Friendly.
  2. Easy to Use and Clear Navigation
    Navigation is an essential part of a blog. Creating a clear blog navigation structure makes it easier and provides a good experience when visitors interact.
    When creating navigation in the header or footer, consider several things, such as layout, readability, and function. The navigation menu can be a homepage, about us, privacy, contact, and sitemap.
    In addition to navigation that leads to certain information, also create a navigation menu that visitors can use as a shortcut to determine a piece of content.
  3. Unique, Interesting, and Original Content
    Blog content that is unique, engaging, and different from other blogs is more liked by visitors. Because they get quality information, this can attract visitors to return to our blog at another time.
    Not only that, but our blog also allows it to be recommended to others. This can affect visitor visits which can increase every day.
    Therefore, when creating content, you need to pay attention to Google’s policy which does not make copy-paste content because Google will consider duplicate content.
    In addition, never create content and place links to pornography, gambling, and illegal content. The blog’s impact will be considered spam and disappear from search engines.
  4. Adequate blog articles
    Take your time signing up for Adsense, and pay attention to the number of articles you make. Even though there is no benchmark provided by Google to be accepted by Adsense, making more articles before registering a blog with Google Adsense is fine.
    Generally, before applying for AdSense, they already have ten articles with 300+ words. But it continues beyond the review process by the Google team. As much as possible, the blog is continuously updated, posting unique, exciting, and original articles so that Google Adsense can quickly accept it.
  5. Number of Blog Visitors
    Make articles rich in information so that reports and blogs will be crowded with visitors. Even though there is no minimum visitor limit, there is nothing wrong with increasing traffic so that Google Adsense can accept it. Learning and understanding the principles of SEO techniques and SEO supporting tools can help increase blog visitors from search engines faster.
  1. Just Google AdSense
    Enough here doesn’t mean you can’t register for advertising services other than Google. According to the experience of other bloggers, when a blog is about to be registered with Google Adsense, there should be no ad slots from other services first.
    Because logically, how can Adsense be accepted if another similar ad has filled the ad slot? Because it’s important to remove other ad banners before registering for Adsense.
    This is to convince Google that the blogs that we have will only display their ads.

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