Differences Between ZIP and RAR You Must Understand

Functionally, zip and rar have the same function but have differences. Then what is the difference between ZIP and RAR?

The difference between ZIP and RAR! Don’t Choose Wrong! – Do you already know what a compressed file is? Those who often download or send files must know the terms ZIP and RAR. Both are types of file compression, which have the function of uniting several files into one and with a smaller size. The benefit of compressing files using zip or rar is to unite several files into one package to reduce the size of the entire file.
Of course, this is useful to make it easier to transfer files, whether offline or online, such as sending email attachments, or if you often download files on the internet, of course, you will always find files of the zip or rare type.
ZIP and RAR Existence Differences
Functionally, zip and rar have the same function but have differences. Then what is the difference between ZIP and RAR?

Perform Extract

A certain extraction program is needed to extract files that have been compressed using Zip and Rar, where this program will issue files into the folder that has been prepared.

Here lies the difference, files that are compressed into ZIP are easier to unload (extract) without the need for the help of other programs; this is because many system devices, such as Windows, and smartphones, are equipped with the ability to extract zip files.

In ZIP, you need a third-party application to unpack this compressed file because RAR extraction software is only supported on a few platforms. So you have to install a third-party application. Generally, RAR files can be accessed using the WinRAR application.

Data Compression Speed

Another difference besides the ease of extraction is the speed of data compression. During the compression process, it turns out that ZIP is superior to RAR because ZIP is designed to compress data quickly, not on the final result.

Interestingly, even though ZIP does the competition quickly, it doesn’t mean that the result of zip compression causes data damage; in fact, ZIP still maintains good and intact data quality; you can rely on ZIP if you need fast and easy data file compression.

Compression Limitations

Zip and RAR have their compression limits; in this case, RAR is superior to ZIP. Because the RAR compression limit is bigger, it reaches 8,589,934,591 GB. With such a large compression limit, it is clear that RAR can be relied upon to compress large files. While ZIP only has a compression limit of up to 2 GB.

In addition, the final result of RAR compression can compress around 70% of its original size, so don’t be surprised if compressing RAR data takes quite a long time. Meanwhile, the final result of ZIP compression can only reduce compression to 60%.

ZIP & RAR Data Security

Data security is one thing that everyone certainly pays attention to, especially if everything is related to data. In the process of compressing ZIP and RAR data, the security factor is also considered. Both are equipped with a password feature; it’s just that the way of protection is different.

RAR can protect files with direct passwords because there are direct protection options in it. In contrast to ZIP, even though it can protect data, it needs a third-party application.


Those are some differences between ZIP and RAR files. There is no visible difference in general use because both have the same function as data file compression, but if you look at it and observe it clearly, ZIP and RAR have striking differences.

    It all depends on each other’s needs in using file compression, whether ZIP or RAR, which all have the same benefits, although they are different.

    Suppose you have large files such as videos, movies, or large raw applications. In that case, compressing them using RAR is more beneficial because it has the advantage of compressing large files. But if it’s only a small packet to send via email, chat can compress data with ZIP to make it more practical and easy.

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